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About JIBM
Journal of International Business and Management (JIBM) is an international scholarly peer-reviewed business and management journal that offers an open-access platform to share the empirical and pragmatic research articles, review papers in the field. Affiliated to Research Publishing Academy (RPA), the journal strictly adheres to double-blinded peer review policy to maintain the publication quality.
This business and management journal considers theoretical and empirical papers in Business, Marketing, Finance, Strategic Leadership, Economics, Administration, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Management Information Systems (MIS), Health Care Management as research articles, reviews, case studies and commentaries for publication. As an open access journal, JIBM accepts the paper in monthly basis and aims to publish within 2-4 weeks times, however, a first decision on submitted paper is provided to authors approximately 10 days after submission. The journal publishes 12 issues per year.
This peer-reviewed and open access business journal outfits to the needs of wide range of readers from across different sections of the society, including individual researchers, academicians and students, business and management professionals, policymakers. Hence, the direction to the prospective authors a vast spectrum of topics in this field including but not limited to business, management, finance, HRM, Leadership, marketing, strategic management concepts, management science, marketing management, marketing strategy, customer relationship management, strategic planning, strategic decisions concern etc.
Authors, who would like to discuss the potential interest in a manuscript, are welcomed to contact at:
The DOI of the journal is:
Print ISSN: 2616-5163 Online ISSN: 2616-4655
JIBM follows ISO 9001 management standard.