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Volume 5 | Issue 11 | 2022
Author(S): Sohel Akoil
The economy of Bangladeshi is growing fast. Therefore, the need for the branchless companies is increasing. However, the number of the branchless banks are not increasing much in this economic growing country. In this regard, this study aims to conceptualise the opportunities and implementation challenges in the process of branchless banking in Bangladesh. The study provides the background literature justifying the need for the study. This study also articulates the rationale of the study followed by the objectives. Furthermore, the solid research gap has been developed and presented in the literature review of the study. The study also provides the explanation on the methodology to be adopted for the accomplishment of the research.
Keywords: Branchless banks, Economy, Opportunities and implementation challenges, Bangladesh
Corresponding Author Affiliation*: Global Banking School (GBS), London, United Kingdom
Print ISSN: 2616-5163 Online ISSN: 2616-4655
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