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Volume 4 | Issue 12 | 2021
Title: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Change Management in Private Universities: Case Study in Vietnam
Author(S): Thanh Uyen Pham Thi
Corresponding Author Affiliation*: The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, Vietnam
Change management is known to be a significant model based on theories and practices from educational experts, educators, professors, school administrators, and even scientists. Like other higher education institutions in Vietnam, Private Universities in Ho Chi Minh city are a change management type organization. The management challenge facing contemporary universities refers to the multiple roles assumed by universities and the extraordinary increase in the number of subject fields, heightening, in turn, the complexity of the university environment. However, the previous research about change management of the Vietnamese private university system still has many shortcomings and limitations in terms of both size and quality. There is a lack of studies that have used Kotter’s Model of Change (1996) to examine the evolutionary changes and challenges facing Private Universities. So, the main objective of this paper is to establish and propose a suitable model based on the apply Kotter’s eight-step model of change to enhance effective change management in private universities in Ho Chi Minh City, and then discussion and recommendation will be presented in the study. To overcome the change challenges, some recommendation was proposed for the successful implementation of the changes for the university. Quantitative method has been utlised to complete this paper.
Keywords: change management, educational administration, Kotter’s change model, private university, Vietnam.
Print ISSN: 2616-5163 Online ISSN: 2616-4655
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