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Volume 4 | Issue 10 | 2021
Title: Evaluating the Competitiveness of the Vietnam Textile and Garment Industry
Author(S): Khac Dung Do
Corresponding Author Affiliation*: Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam
In the context of the country’s increasingly innovation and deep integration with the world, especially since Vietnam joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1995, our country has been competing increasingly fierce in all fields and all economic sectors, including the textile industry. Up to now, the position of these two industries has been increasingly affirmed in the world consumption market. Currently, garment and leather products are present in many countries around the world with increasing export turnover and in which large enterprises play an important role. However, in order to maintain our position and improve our competitiveness, we need to re-evaluate the competitive advantages as well as the limitations of enterprises and Vietnam’s textile and garment industry. This paper uses the diamond model method to show the competitiveness ability of Vinatex enterprises through 4 main factors: Firm strategy, structure and rivalry, factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries. From there, we come up with solutions that contribute to solving the difficulties, paving the way for the further development of these two industries.
Keywords: Competitiveness, Diamond model, Garment & Textile, Vinatex, Vietnam
Print ISSN: 2616-5163 Online ISSN: 2616-4655
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