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Volume 4 | Issue 4 | 2021

Title: Impact of Team Trust on Project Quality and Timeliness in Bayelsa State Civil Service, Nigeria

Author(S): Omoankhanlen Joseph Akhigbe* and Emelah Gentle E

Corresponding Author Affiliation*: University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


This study examines the extent to which team trust can bring about project quality and project timeliness in Bayelsa state civil service. A total of 14 ministries and parastatals were studied and 131 team members were our respondents. Spearman Rank order correlation was used for testing our stated null hypotheses. From our findings, we realized that both project and project timeliness were significantly influenced by team trust with positive correlation coefficients and p- values less than 0.05. Therefore, our null hypotheses were rejected. The study further concluded that team members should be supportive to their colleagues. This action will increase benevolence among members and ensures that projects delivered conformed to specification. Secondly, Ethical codes should be developed for team members. This will boost team trust and leads to timely completion of projects and lastly, Teams should be made up of competent individuals. This will help achieve project satisfaction.

Keywords: Integrity, Quality, Timeliness, Project, Team, Ministries



Print ISSN: 2616-5163 Online ISSN: 2616-4655

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