International Tourism and Hospitality Journal (ITHJ)

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Issue 10 | Volume 4 | 2021

Title: Cultural Tourism in Bangladesh, a Potential and Profound Tourism Destination: Developing a Model for Cultural Tourism Development in Bangladesh

Author(S): Mohammad Abu Horaira* and Aparna Devi

Corresponding Author Affiliation*: International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a significant source of many fascinating cultural diversions that can make a fancy trip to many domestic and international tourists. This paper has tried to focus on the cultural tourism of Bangladesh by allocating the facts of historic and traditional culture, cultural tourists’ attraction, prospects, development strategy etc. Moreover, the major concern of the authors is to provide a detailed discussion about the main cultural attributes for the tourist or cultural tourists of Bangladesh. Tourism research methods and cultural consumption are some of the most important aspects of cultural tourism in Bangladesh. The researchers also tried to find out the potential of Bangladeshi culture, the scenario of cultural tourism, cross-cultural connection etc. This research paper is the full exploration of only about cultural tourism sector of Bangladesh. All the related information has been collected from available secondary data sources and the writer of this paper attempts to review all the roles of cultural tourism in Bangladesh.

Keywords: Culture, Tourism, Development, Tourists, Bangladesh

Print ISSN: 2616-518X; Online ISSN: 2616-4701

ITHJ follows ISO 9001 management standard.


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