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Volume 4 | Issue 5 | 2021
Title: The Competitiveness of the Textile Industry in Vietnam: An analysis to the Period of a Decade
Author(S): Khac Dung Do
Corresponding Author Affiliation*: Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam
This paper analyzes the competitiveness of the textile and garment industry in Vietnam for the period 2010 to 2020. The analysis is performed using two approaches applied on both quantitative and qualitative aspects the Generalized Double Diamond Model (GDDM), analyzed international competitiveness of Vietnam’s G&T industry and compared it with China and impact variables of international competitiveness to market share (MS), trade competitiveness (TC) and revealed comparative advantage (RCA) are tested against the estimated coefficients of these variables. The results from show that Vietnam was less competitive than China and it is necessary to increase investment in fixed assets of Vietnam’s textile and garment industry, accelerate the rate of equipment upgrading, improve the level of industrialization, and at the same time increase the supply of spare parts. textile materials and lower the cost of raw materials prices, thereby reducing costs for textile enterprises.
Keywords: Competitiveness, Diamond model, Garment & Textile, RCA index, Vietnam
Print ISSN: 2616-5198; Online ISSN: 2616-4698
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