International Journal of Education and Knowledge Management (IJEKM)

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Volume 1 | Issue 3 | 2018

Title: Impact of Social Media Towards Society, A Case Study on Teenagers

Author(S): M M Kobiruzzaman*; Moniza Waheed, PhD; Hani Salwah Binti Yaakup, PhD; Mohd Nizam Osman, PhD

Corresponding Author Affiliation*:  Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia


The purpose of this paper is to identify and determine the impacts of social media towards the society relating to the teenagers. A qualitative approach has applied using secondary data by gathering information from journal articles and government website as well as international sites to achieve the objectives. Thus, this article presents both positive and negative impacts of social media on teenagers. The positive impacts identified in this article are gaining knowledge, improving relationship, finding job, keeping in touch with the world, and enhancing social media as e-commerce. Whereas, the negative impacts of social media recognized in this article include cyberbullying, hacking, addiction, cheating and humiliating. Based on the presentations and arguments on the results of previous research, some recommendations have been provided.

Keywords: Social Media, Society, Teenagers, Positive, Negative, Impact


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